The SAMHSA SOAR TA Center is proud to release the 2019 National SOAR Outcomes issue brief! The issue brief provides a look at SOAR implementation across the nation and expands on the 2019 SOAR Outcomes infographic released in November 2019 (view the full infographic or the text alternative).
The results from this year's outcomes collection are incredible: in 2019, there were 4,273 approvals on SOAR-assisted initial Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applications, with decisions received in an average of 108 days and an allowance rate of 63 percent.
Over the last 14 years, the SOAR model has been used to assist over 80,047 people who were experiencing or at risk of homelessness with applications for SSI/SSDI. Read the full issue brief to see how SOAR is being implemented with special populations, such as children, youth in transition, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and Veterans. You can also learn how Colorado, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia are advancing SOAR implementation and producing strong outcomes through partnerships, training initiatives, and collaborations.
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